Public Speeches by Hearty Humans


Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. As you can see I’m here in the flesh, I’m human and I was born with what they call a conscience. Being human, one thing we have in common is the ability to voice our thoughts, it came naturally to us surrounded by our immediate family and developed throughout our life. What do we use it for? Reaching out, understanding...

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My nanny Joyce repeated one very serious statement, and always with a sharp grin. She’d say ‘mind your own business’. I used to look at her and know she was the wisest creature on this earth and my senses always told me she strived for our moral good. Now I ponder statements like these and I not only see the reality but the importance of these little gifts.  Would you ever go ‘mind your own business’, when said like that -  receivers sometimes think it's a rude statement, critical or even judgemental. Then it could be said to you in...

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In 1922, in his notes on ‘the path to freedom’, General Michael Collins wrote, “Our object in building up the country economically must not be lost sight of. The object is not to be able to boast of enormous wealth or of a great volume of trade for their own sake. It is not to see our country covered with smoking chimneys and factories or to show a great national balance sheet. The real riches of the Irish nation will be the men and women of the Irish nation, the extent to which they are rich in body, mind, and...

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